2020 – A year in review by Solas Studios Photography

As each year comes to a close, it has been our tradition to reflect back on all the work we did over the course of the year. We admire the images we made with couples, children and families, and chat about where our work was strongest, as well as what things we may have struggled with.

This year, without a doubt, our biggest struggle was watching so many wonderful people suffering incredible loss.

Some lost chances to see friends and family they’d been looking forward to seeing. Some lost the chance to have their dream wedding shared with their favorite people as they had planned for months, or even years. Some lost the chance of having a wedding at all, or going on that trip or honeymoon. Some lost the chance to celebrate a new family member, or have to have portraits taken of their newborn babies. And some even lost the chance to say goodbye to people they loved.

You may be wondering what we have been up to this year, and we can candidly tell you that we, too, have struggled. We have also suffered those same losses, along with missing out on the joy of seeing our happy clients that we so looked forward to this year.

BUT, we continued to forge on; helping clients navigate so many changes and unexpected situations, managing many rescheduled or postponed weddings, and assuring our clients that we would walk the new journey with them.

We worked when we could. We worked how we could. Each day was just as confusing and full of uncertainty for us, as it was for many of you. For that reason and several others, we decided to put our social sharing and posting on a temporary break. We would instead spend that time really helping our clients get through these tough times, and whatever extra time was left over, we spent focused on our family.

As much as it may have been a difficult decision to take a break from social media, something just didn’t feel right about having some of our clients see what they, themselves were missing out on. So instead, we have chosen to honor ALL the couples and families we worked with and had planned to work with, together. There are some couples, children and families whose photos won’t appear in this video because we never got the chance to photograph them. But those people still are in our thoughts and hearts as we count our many blessings for 2020.

We’ve never had to deliver so many instances of disappointing news as we did in 2020. However, we have also never seen so many people be compassionate, understanding, and able to keep their spirits high in the wake of so many hardships. We want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who understood that we were figuring things out right along with them. With that said, we’d like to pay tribute to all the people that made 2020 so much easier to bear. Please enjoy our 2020: A year in review video below.

We wish everyone a peaceful transition into 2021, and above all else, a safe, happy, and HEALTHY new year for us all.

Le gach dea-ghuí,
(With all good wishes)
Colleen & Greg

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Mary Sherman
Mary Sherman
4 years ago

Wonderful pictures.

Michael Burns
Michael Burns
4 years ago

Fantastic-Great Job!

Happy New Year Colleen!

Irich photography
Irich photography
11 months ago

Beautiful pictures

Irich photography
Irich photography
11 months ago

Awesome post

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